Anne 3rd January 2021

Bernard was very generous and long-suffering when it came to welcoming all of his in-laws into his home and, since there were as many of us as of his own siblings, there seemed to be some of us there a lot of the time. I am sure he could have seen some of us far enough many's a time but he he was always very hospitable and we spent many good family evenings at Croftburn Farm having a good meal, a good sing-song and a good theological or political debate. In Johnny and Letty's day we had some very competitive games of canasta too. When they got a litte too competitve, Bernard bowed out of that! He still enjoyed the singsongs and discussing the Bible right up to the end. Personally, he helped and encouraged me to improve my badminton, my horse riding and my knowledge of the Bible. A true competitor himself, he was always encouraging others to aim as high as they could in whatever they chose to pursue. Bernard has been a part of my life for so long that his passing will leave a huge gap. But he had a strong faith and is now asleep in the Lord. I know that Florence will feel the loss most of all. Her own faith will be a comfort to her as she tries to recover her health and adjust to her loss in the days ahead. I extend my deepest sympathy to her and to Helen, Jane, William, Grace and Alexander for their great loss and commend them all to the comfort and care of the Holy Spirit.